Empty spirit

Empty spiritEmpty spirit
  1. In current situation , most of students were good , but few students exist the behaviors that empty spirit , immoral behaviors , even crime and break the Law .


  2. In the novel gives death beauty and poetic , use character easily through life and death of time and space , communicate mystery and unruffled empty spirit .


  3. Yan Zhitui 's understanding of Buddhism is anylized from three aspects of impermanence , the origin and fate of the empty spirit , and transmigration .


  4. Though he is rich , he is empty in spirit .


  5. Empty , Taoism and spirit civilization had been highly thought in Chinese traditional culture .


  6. They had only revolutionary enthusiasm , but accomplished little , with their empty mind and weak spirit .


  7. The previous Winston just remained an empty body with no spirit , a complete walking corpse and running flesh .


  8. Worse , despite being recently awoken , his newfound freedom is of an empty variety , his spirit now seemingly imprisoned in the mind of a pathetic human .
